"Karma Miwa" for iOS, Android, Ouya (released), homeage for Snokie.

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Now there is some wait time before the graphics can been done. The main reason this game have been so much delayed. Howover the title have been registred at Apple, so im have the time to nov, so its would been released there. Howover this is how its look with RGB565 MODE:

Im have dedicated this game will been a 20 level game with 3 game modes to choice from, while the last one will been locked until you get 500kb points when playing in "Rookie" as well "Normal" mode. The last one is a "Pro Mode", which is a harder mode with same level layout, but with more enemies and traps (and a few onces as well). This is that mode im are working on some remaining levels.

Here im could go for the Freemium model with possuble to unlock all levels at once eventuelly (the main plan is the game should been a free, not a paid game anyway).
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/


Hi, are the app sumbitted to Apple?

(Freemium are a good option, if you don't abuse (like Gameloft)  :good:)
litiopixel.blogspot.com - Desarrollo videojuegos Indie · Pixel-Art · Retroinformática · Electrónica Development Indie Videogames · Pixel-Art · Retrocomputing · Electronic


I know these are placeholder graphics, but I like them a lot. :)


Im have registered the title at iTunes connect. Then you have 180 days to upload a binary. I'm still except all figures would been similar. They would just been redraw in same style.

The background is much more final now trought. It's near finished and works nice.
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/


litiopixel.blogspot.com - Desarrollo videojuegos Indie · Pixel-Art · Retroinformática · Electrónica Development Indie Videogames · Pixel-Art · Retrocomputing · Electronic


damn, due the lots, lots and ltos of waiting time, then yesterday its seen he first have time in the next year somewhere and have started on a another project instead (some motion capture project). That is why this game cause a lots of limbo and property close this project down. That mean im are not sure this game would been released or not and a least NOT with this title name (im have only 4 weeks ago). That is really sad. Howover we do have a nice alternative title, but that is to been annonced later. So work name to the game is finished would howover still been named Karma Miwa.

Now im do need help to contain area of this game, which would been very helpfull if any would do that. Help on the backgrounds (which im currectly is got help those time right now and have asked him to focus on that, not sprites yet) is not needed, but more on the sprites its self (all sprites and interface is still placeholders).

Here is the look of the game now (yes the groundtiles do still work, which is a big dominate and could been better, but that would been easy to been fixed later, water is also been replaced too):

PS. Im are not sure the game would been released as a commercial or as a freeware game. Both option is still to been dedicated.
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/


Let me see if I understood it.
Help is needed on the art part, backgrounds and sprites?

I can help with that, but this week I´m moving house and it will probably be a wasted week.
The week after I can manage to help.

You don´t seem to have a lot of art (in terms of quantity) there, should be doable.
If next week is ok with you, pm or email me the details and example of sprite sheets.

It might be possible I could render things clay style depending on the amount of frames and art needed.
While I´m sure to help, I can give you a better panorama of when, as soon as I get my gear up and running on the new house.

Game is already pretty fine, it would be a shame not to publish it (and ouyeah too)


This is really just a simply game and clay have never been the style for this game. The main style goal from the beginning on this game have allways to been minimalist, not clay (Greedy Mouse used real clay, not just rendered clay). Its a chooice of the art style and hence the lots of shading here.

Even with the new art, the goal is stil been possible to doing minimalist on the sprites (the main help first).

Also the main help would been the Sprites first (due im allready do got help on backgrounds/foregrounds and most of work was done this week). Even the ground texture need more work, its still nice (he is aware of that and would been fixed soon).

Im can pm you details on all placeholder graphics and of course the game its self, so you can testing the result of it (and eventuely with a mini animiation player tool), and next week is fine (im have waited long time allready, hehe).
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/


So primary help is on sprites and the style must match what you already have.

Send me sprite sheet, a couple already approved art style(can be a couple backgrounds), and whatever reference you may have on this front.
No need for the game yet, it is just so I look and try to understand it visually.

use email: ericomont[a][google stuff]


Yes, sprites help needed.

you get a version of a game, so you can test the sprites of course (eventually on Dropbox). Im send details tomorrow per email (now you move house first, good luck for that).

That due the game objects use own draw paint command (not polyvectors, which used on tiles), due they have different side and have diffinable animation speed and frames (can been set in a XML file, except hero its self, but can changed in the code easyli).

See you per email.
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/

Ian Price

I might be able to help with the sprites, but not the backgrounds (I REALLY hate doing huge images). As erico said,  email me your spritesheet (in .BMP/.PNG format) and I'll see what I can do. No guarantees on my part, but I'm also not worried if you don't like any contributions. mrijprice  AAATTTT gmail  DOTTTT commy-thing
I came. I saw. I played.


The tiles could also use new textures, I think. The style of the game is pretty coherent, except for the ground tiles they seem to be entirely different in style (relatively sharp and detailed). Their repetitiveness is also apparent. Overall, I'm liking this game.  :)


One last issue, I see you are using transparencies, but you don´t want the sprites antialiased right?
Good thing Ian proposed help too, he has a great art style you can see on his many games.

It will be nice if we can combine the best of the results into something that will add greatly to the game :booze:


Im want to uses one color transperancy on so many sprites as possible to save bandwidth on drawing. That could not been avoid on tiles anyway, due some tiles did require transparency (like water, which have been changed after the screenshot). Rest did not use it at all and all used one color transparency.

All spritesheets im have should been double up in size before drawing, so im eventuelly can scaling them down and can use retina graphics. Also that whay im uses transparency on sprites is really a cheat, due im draw them twice, which im might or not might remove. its depend on the sprites its self.

Yes as im wrote, the ground tiled would been toned down which we are aware of and eventuelly have less of them. Thinks it's next thing Kasper (the bg/tiles artist) will do. They not final, but the colors is (except the front bush, which will changes to same style as plants of course).

Also its nice ian offer help too and I'm could post sprite sheet here too as well. Im do wait a answear from Erico first, as im just want sprites is in one style, howover there is other area (like sprites as well menus etc). I'm talk to him later. Thanks for all offers.
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/


today im did a little change to the menu, so its reuse background from scene 01 in reducered form, that works really pretty neat, which require minimal work for the menu graphics. There is only few assests to been used. Mightbeen area Ian could look on later (Ian im wait after the first sprite have been draw, so we using one style):

Im thinks that works pretty well.

PS. Of course there would been links to some credits as well more games later.

PPS. Title will as im said not to been Karma Miwa, but will use that as work name. Im hope the main bird would been a Puffin, which im like that bird.
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/