iPhone - redirect to "Rate this App"

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This is the code that I use to take you to the review page of your app. This works on iphone but wont work if you test in on the pc.  is this what you were thinking?

//review text
//NETWEBEND "itms-apps://ax.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewContentsUserReviews?type=Purple+Software&id=398408081"

Kitty Hello


Am I right in thinking though you cannot use this on a first release of an app as you wont know the app id number until Apple publish it?


As soon as you create a new app in iTunes you have the itunes link, although it doesnt work until the app is published.


yes thats correct.  Until you launch your app on the appstore, you do not have a link address.  If you do an update afterwards all is well :)


Quote from: Leginus on 2011-May-05
This is the code that I use to take you to the review page of your app. This works on iphone but wont work if you test in on the pc.  is this what you were thinking?

//review text
//NETWEBEND "itms-apps://ax.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewContentsUserReviews?type=Purple+Software&id=398408081"

How do you get "type=Purple+Software"?


To be honest, I can't remember whether it is relevant or whether it is part of the research that I did to get it to work,  and then forgot to change it  :-[

Change it and see what happens, if it doesnt blow up your iphone....its cool :)


Excellent work =D I'll use this to build in a message asking the user to write a review. I was thinking about showing such a message dialog after each 10 times the app is started, and I'll add yes/not now/never buttons. btw I'm curious how did you figure out these itms-apps URLs?

And on a side note; it says here that a user is prompted to rate an app when he deletes it, automatically via iOS. I've never seen any such dialog when I've deleted an app from my ipod touch, so can anyone confirm or refute this?


Quoteit says here that a user is prompted to rate an app when he deletes it, automatically via iOS
It used to. But I noticed recently that it doesn't do that any more. Perhaps an update made it optional?

Current fave quote: Cause you like musicians and I like people with boobs.

Kitty Hello

IIRC that is for iOS 3.x only


IIRC?? I don't understand..

Anyway, I've been trying to open all kinds of different iTunes links using NETWEBEND. I can link directly to the appstore to an app and to the reviews of an app and to all my apps. Two things I've noticed:

1) when linking to an app it doesn't seem to matter if you change "/us/" into "/jp/" or "/de/", it will always open the appstore corresponding to your country.
2) The "Artist Link" I generated on the iTunes Link Maker doesn't seem to work when started from my ipod. Instead use itms-apps://itunes.com/apps/*yourdevelopername*without dashes or spaces.

It took a while to figure the last one out, because I was trying "bdr-games" but when I tried "bdrgames" without the dash it worked. Which is kind of strange, because when I search "bdrgames" in the appstore app it gives no results.
Code (glbasic) Select

    SELECT iButton
    CASE 1 // snake slider, app (works)
      // btw it doesn't matter if you change "/us/" into "/jp/" you'll always get your country store
      NETWEBEND "itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/snake-slider/id450865171?mt=8&uo=4"
    CASE 2 // snake slider, go to review (works)
      NETWEBEND "itms-apps://ax.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewContentsUserReviews?type=Purple+Software&id=450865171"
    CASE 3 // go to all my apps
//      NETWEBEND "http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/bdr-games/id402292466?uo=4" // doesn't work on ipod
//      NETWEBEND "itms-apps://itunes.com/apps/bdr-games" // doesn't work
      NETWEBEND "itms-apps://itunes.com/apps/bdrgames" // this works!

I'll put a "more games" button in my other apps using that last link :)


IIRC = If I Recall Correctly.