Hi mini tutorial for import Skinned Meshes from 3ds max to Glbasic

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Hi I made this same evening this little tutorial. Works on Max or any soft for animated meshesh(I hope)

I put a little guide on .Pdf, you can download, and a youtube link (Escuseme first, for my vey bad english, and the poor quality of the video, I thinked Camstasia has put it in HD, but not.)

You only have got , 3ds max(or another soft, whit bones or character animation toolkit), FragMotion (is adviced on the first plane of this page (www.Glbasic.com)) a very cheaper soft for animation (you can use the demo), and of course, our loved Glbasic.

This is al folks,
Kind Regards,
Iván j.


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"It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC.  As potential programmers, they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration."
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Hi, thanks my friend for reply, again sorry for the quality of video, I try this weekend to make something more serious , a more worked model and textured.

Again , thanks!!!

Kind Regards,
Iván J