Using old compilers

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Hi there, recently I got an Ipaq (windows pocket pc), mainly for 2 reasons, 1. because it's an fun and interesting device, and 2. so I could create apps for it using GLBasic, however I soon came to realise that the WinCE compiler is outdated (i think). I was also interested in getting a GP2X Wiz, however, the Ipaq was already a huge letdown.

GLBasic is still being advertised with support for these platforms on the site, so when I got GLBasic this was a bit of a letdown :zzz: . I thought that instead, I could switch to an older version of GLBasic; but currently I havent found out how to do so, or if that's even possible, especially because I am using the Steam version of GLBasic.

After only building applications for Windows, I was really hoping I could build to another platform, but no luck as to of now :/

If anyone can help me with this, please let me know!  :good:

There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
(Alan J. Perlis)


I had a GP2X Wiz, it's a wonderful little device for pocket gaming (although you can get much better devices like Miyoo or RG350).

However personall I just think it's time to forget those platforms and focus on Win32 and HTML5.

If you still need those platforms, you can try use the V15 compilers at and see if them works (possibly not working, but I didn't try that myself).


I have a GPH CAANOO and older versions of GLBasic works fine with it, I haven´t tried the STEAM version with it yet though.
Some users here do compile for the wince, so they might shed a light on this issue.


Hi there, thanks for your reply.  :good:
While i would want to compile to HTML5, i had problems doing so, i asked the forum for help, but after a while people stopped responding, leaving the probelm unsolved.
I have tried almost all v15 compilers and up until now, none of them worked.
I think the biggest problem with this is that GLBasic still advertises itself with these compilers, and if these compilers are unusable, this is misleading.
I have also tried compiling to Raspberry Pi, however this too did not work, i got a couple of error running the .bin file, but after installing GLES, SDL, SDL2 and OpenGL i was still stuck on the same error.

Anyways, back to topic, i think that either the compilers should be renewed and fixed, or the GLBasic site should be updated, because being limited to only one platform is quite concerning.
I am currently running a site with a domain for 13€ per year so i could compile my games to HTML5 and display them on my site, i bought a Raspberry Pi Zero W for 15€ and 28€ of hardware to get the pi to work, just so i could compile for the pi, also another €15 and 2 hours of travelling time to get an IPaQ so i could compile to WinCE. And because of the problems with the compilers i have not been able to compile for any of these problems, while theyre still fun consoles, still a €71 wasted.

There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
(Alan J. Perlis)


I believe SpaceFractal said that HTML5 is in beta and soon to be rolled out.

I too am waiting for HTML5 platform.

Android is working too - but you have to learn about Android Studio as well.

I haven't tried RaspPi myself so can't help you there.
Speccy-48k, Speccy-128k, Amigas, PCs

Ian Price

Using GLBasic V10 you can still compile code for GP2X, Caanoo and Wiz - I have all three and created loads of GLB games for those platforms. Be aware that while other versions can do the same, there are issues with some commands in later versions - to me, v10 was the most stable for the handheld platforms.

BTW You can have multiple versions of GLB installed at the same time, without negative consequences.
I came. I saw. I played.


@Ian Price
Hi there, thanks for your reply! :good:
So if more versions of GLBasic are installed at once, how can i switch to another?  O_O

(And btw, i'm using the steam version, in case that matters)

There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
(Alan J. Perlis)

Ian Price

If you only have the STEAM version, then you're probably out of luck; you won't be able to register an older version.

While you can use old and free versions to compile for certain formats (eg Windows), I don't think you can use them for GP2X etc. other than to create a short demo (2mins IIRC).

You could of course purchase a non-STEAM version too...
I came. I saw. I played.


@Ian Price
I will have to purchase a non steam version just to compile for GP2X? Even though on the site it stated I could compile to WIZ? I cant afford that  :doubt:
Maybe Gernot can fix this?

There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
(Alan J. Perlis)

Ian Price

TBH I don't know. I have both regular and STEAM, however I've not compiled for GP2X with the STEAM version. There may be additional libraries to download for the STEAM version for different formats (that was the case with the last non-STEAM version too).

I haven't tested, as the last proper stable version to compile for GP2X etc. was v10. Maybe the latest versions work fine. If it's advertised as being able to do Wiz etc, then I'm sure it can. Dunno.
I came. I saw. I played.


@Ian Price
Hi there, thanks for your reply.  :good:
It seems like the Steam version of GLBasic can't use old compilers :/
This requires me to buy another version of GLB :doubt: I hope Gernot can fix this problem. :nw:

Especially because I am planning to get a WIZ soon. Thanks for all your help! :good:

There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
(Alan J. Perlis)

Ian Price

I'd be happy to give assistance in compiling if you want to code for the Wiz etc. (if mine still actually works - they are seriously prone to pixel death!).

The old handheld scene is pretty limited nowadays though, so it's quite a lot of hassle for virtually no reward or feedback.
I came. I saw. I played.


@Ian Price
Thanks a lot! :nw:
I will soon be getting a WIZ and seeing if I can get this all to work, I am wondering however, is there anything I need to keep in mind
when compiling to the WIZ? Or is it just like creating a desktop application? O_O

There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
(Alan J. Perlis)


Hello Bluepixel,

The Steam version han no support for "old" platforms like GP2X, Wiz, WinCE, etc. The website info is a bit outdated, only "classic" no Steam versions compile for this platforms. I think the reason is because GLB V16 generate 64 bits optmized code for current platforms and this code can't compile for 32 bit machines (Wiz, WinCE, etc).

I have a PDA, Wiz, Cannoo and GCW, and I can compile for this with GLB v14 and older, because I have a license for this versions. Maybe you can write to Gernot asking for a solution, but currently the only way is purchase an old version. You can download a demo for v15, and you can test in your platforms before you buy. A timed watermark in generated in every app in demo version.

You can download the Demo for GLB v12 here:

If I remember, the GLB 12 has all platforms in the installer.


Quote from: Bluepixel on 2019-Dec-07
I have tried almost all v15 compilers and up until now, none of them worked.

I have also tried compiling to Raspberry Pi, however this too did not work, i got a couple of error running the .bin file, but after installing GLES, SDL, SDL2 and OpenGL i was still stuck on the same error.

You must to use V16 platforms with the Steam version:

With GLB v16 can compile for HTML5, Mac, Raspberry and Android. You must to unzip the modules in GLB Platform folder.
Read the instructions for each platform in the GLB help, for example for Android you need install software (JDK, etc).