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Messages - sf-in-sf

Hi! i am back on XP since my win7 machine died, and win7 became expensive. Back with a lovely game I would like to check on an android tablet.
When I compile for android I get:

*** Configuration: ANDROID ***
GPC - GLBasic Precompiler V.10.037 SN:95ed84a0 - 3D, NET
Wordcount:8 commands
*** Finished ***
Elapsed: 21.8 sec. Time: 21:48
Build: 1 succeeded.

What is going on? I read and applied all 3 pages of the forum to no avail.
I never see a Q: drive, my "E:\GLBasic_v14\FOO\distribute\Android" never contains a /bin nor a *.apk.
Strangely this win XP self-rooted in E:\ when installing. Is it a problem?
ant is installed and replies properly "xml is missing". (see the difference between a black ant and a green robot.)
adb is working too, does recognise the tablet.
I have set the SYSTEM variables ANDROID_SWT, ANDROIDSDK, ANT_HOME, JAVA_HOME (E:\Java\jdk1.6.0_29).
What can be wrong now?
XP has no E:\users\... folder do i need to make one?
During the making of everything, which batch files are called? -so I can manually check that each (batch script) call and location is correct?
Thank you!
Ah! Thank you for the good news.
  I realize it is not really possible, because polyvector does some linear interpolations, and the perspective effect means non-linear. It could work as an approximation if the image is noisy, not too geometrical. You can see that C1 > C2  > C3 > C4, it's a non-linear progression, and the same same thing happens inside each square. Polyvector does NOT do any non-linear interpolations. So, it looks that the only way is to use many sub-divisions -at least 8x8 or 16x16- in order to get some acceptable approximation. It's easier to use 3D commands for that, and the result is very clean with true perspective. I don't believe the 3D job should consume much more resource than polyvector, as the surface to draw is the same, and they both do (more or less) a pixel interpolation (?).   Check how it goes in practice on an old machine and please share the result with us.
Hi! Another beginner's question: how does it go with R314159? What system is needed on the R'pi to host the game? Or does the compiled game run directly from the card, as a single, direct executable (without a system)?
Yes, why not using polyvector -grabsprite doesn't with openGL-ES. I hope you get some results if you start the division in 4 like the image, first to find the "perspective center". Next you will need perhaps to use that center to further divide the rectangle in 8. Good luck and please show us how it goes. 
entschuldigung, es fehlt "natuerlich"
Code (glbasic) Select
GLOBAL kn[] AS screenknob
Vor jedem SHOWSCREEN ruf mal "mouse job", und das ergebnis befindet sich in k$. benutze dann
Code (glbasic) Select
DEBUG " * " ; DEBUG k$ ;
um zu sehen, ob es funktioniert. -der debugger muss eingeschaltet sein.
Nur einmal am Anfang rufst du "setupknobs" mit GOSUB.
Wie ist es jetzt?
It's the new one. Anounced at 5$, for sale at 8.90 at
I am curious and interested to see what GLbasic and others can do on this computer.
Multidimensional arrays? You could switch to C inline code to use them as such. Otherwise, you can use a monodimensional array, and compute which cell/address you want to access. It's the same... remember that all the memory is linear, and accessed like that in a linear way, the data addresses.
Example: GLOBAL v%[] // confusing, I know.   DIM v%[10][20][30][40]
"v[w][X][y][z]" is nothing more than v[40*30*20*w + 40*30*X + 40*y + z]     (from memory lane, please check it.)
This way the number of dimensions in unlimited -just the total RAM size is.
Yes the escape character is tricky. could you use / instead? even for a path name ? try once c:/here/there/file.ext
Could you use KEY() if you just get the keyboard input ? Good luck!
Ich habe es wieder gefunden. Die Buttons hatte ich so gemacht: (Ausschnitt, hoffentlich komplet genug.)
Code (glbasic) Select
global k$ // catches messages from all knobs

TYPE screenknob
x%; y%; w%; h%; rtn$;
SUB setupknobs:
LOCAL foo AS screenknob

foo.w=scrx*0.08 ; foo.h=foo.w ; foo.rtn$="l"
foo.x=scrx*0.07-0.5*foo.w ; foo.y=scry*0.88
DIMPUSH kn[],foo

foo.w=scrx*0.08 ; foo.h=foo.w ; foo.rtn$="r"
foo.x=scrx*0.93-0.5*foo.w ; foo.y=scry*0.88
DIMPUSH kn[],foo

foo.w=scrx*0.08 ; foo.h=foo.w ; foo.rtn$="u"
foo.x=scrx*0.50 ; foo.y=scry*0.76
DIMPUSH kn[],foo

foo.w=scrx*0.08 ; foo.h=foo.w ; foo.rtn$="d"
foo.x=scrx*0.50 ; foo.y=scry*0.88
DIMPUSH kn[],foo

SUB mousejob:
STATIC pressed%=FALSE, frame%=3,col%
MOUSESTATE mx,my,b1,b2

DRAWRECT k.x,k.y,k.w,k.h,0x0
IF b1+b2>0
IF mx>=k.x AND mx<=k.x+k.w _
AND my>=k.y AND my<=k.y+k.h
k$=k.rtn$ ; col=0xffbb00//ffeecc//ffff99
DRAWRECT k.x+frame,k.y+frame,k.w-frame-frame,k.h-frame-frame,col
//possibly PRINT k.label$ on top.

// include this in the main loop:
// mixed use of screen buttons and arrow keys:
IF KEY(203) OR k$="l" THEN ; //please complete.
IF KEY(205) OR k$="r" THEN ;
IF KEY(200) OR k$="u" THEN ;
IF KEY(208) OR k$="d" THEN ;

Einschraenkung: wenn gleichzeitig 2+ Buttons gedrueckt werden, kann k$ nur 1 Wert tragen. Dieses Problem gibt es mit Pfeilen nicht. Viel Erfolg!
Off Topic / Re: Cookery
Thank you for your interest and replies, ladies. Here is my personal trick:
In a frying pan, try and fry some red apples in a film of sunflower oil. When the apples are softer, add a bit of sugar and stir. It will make some caramel, it's normal. Then pour on top a mix of well beaten 3-4 eggs with a good splash of milk, a good spoon of brandy/whisky/cognac, 1-2 spoons of cream optionally, a pinch of salt, and half a spoon of oil. Finish cooking the omelette normally. Before the surface is solid, fold in 2, cook 1-2 minutes more, on both sides. Cut in 3 or 4, and serve with some cinamon powder on top. Look at the reactions and listen to the silence. (no one ever complained.)
POW is normally for float numbers. better use ASL(1,n) than POW(2,n).
The  hex notatation 0x.... becomes easy with 2^n numbers:   2^4 = 0x10  2^8 = 0x100   2^12=1000
In the windos' accessories, the calculator has a decimal to/from hex converter, in the dev' mode.
Quote from: Corax on 2015-Nov-12
This is a rather crude idea but if you have a digital camera, you could make photos of matchbox cars.
Excellent idea! Forget the "crude", it's a v.good technique. Some great digital artists start drawing on paper, they scan the paper, and make the clean, digital, image on top. (who was this guy showing how he designs some great buttons for GUI?)
So yes, use the picture as a guide, draw/modify on top, and finally remove the guide.
A longer focal lenght flattens the subject, weakens the perspective. It could be an advantage for 2.5D sprites.
Die " button1, button2, button3" ist etwas schwach. Lieber ein Array von Mäuser machen, oder eine Liste von Mäuser Typen. Z.b. dim b1%[8] ; dim b2%[8] usw.
Gern -und oft- schreibe ich den Klicktest so: if (b1+b2) >0 THEN ...       damit man rechts oder links oder beide klicken kann. Wieso? --> in Bool Logik, "+" bedeutet "oder".
Viel Spaß also, und einen guten Erfolg, wa.
Off Topic / Cookery
Between coding and coding, what is better than cooking some nice food to revigorate your tired brain?
This post is to invite you to show off your best kept cookery secrets. Is it a problem? It shouldn't, this forum is not about cooking  =D
Thanks every one!

Now guess what is my favorite cafe in Berlin? Wohnzimmer! (= living room, Helmholtzplatz).