pandora compo splash attempt

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Since I plan to have my first game going on the pandora too and may also take the opportunity to debut it there, I thought to give them some help and attempt a splash screen for the compo.

Time is a little short, but I guess I can spare a couple days and use it to warm my hands up for the year...

The idea is to have a pandora carbon frozen just like han solo, it seems to me it matches the theme (rebirth).
If this ever gets completed, it will be in the next few days.

But I have some base tests going.
I would like to share with you guys as you have harder criticism and we all know each other a bit ;)

...just some testing of the models so far, pandora is still hard to read on those images.

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Here is another, I think I use it as a base and do something out of it...I´m not sure tomorrow will be as free as today.
Is it really that weird that no one comments? I get the same no-comments on the pandora board. :(

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The newest one is definitely better. Its much clearer in detail. Could maybe lose the grey background though. Something like a starfield as a backdrop would be better imo.

No one comments probably because they don't know what they could add to such a great work.  ;) (I'm serious)


oh yeah, the grey 127rgb background is there only so it dosen´t interfere examining the image...those contrast will have probably a degradee background or something like that. plus some smoke and colors too.

Quote from: Wampus on 2012-Jan-12
No one comments probably because they don't know what they could add to such a great work.  ;) (I'm serious)

I doubt, it is probably because I´m a "first poster".

I was also thinking of putting a cameo glbasic logo well hidden somewhere, hehe, maybe on the side electronics...
or maybe bump mapped on a corner of the carbon fluid...


here is a possible final one,
splash screen.

It dosen´t quite look like it is flying, I must be missing something :zzz:

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The Pic itself is really great  fore shure  :good:

Maybe it dosnt looks like flying because its a top down pic ?
Maybe some electronic Garbage in the background
I sugerest rebirth with a Phönix .

Iam not in a Position to critism some art because my best art is a dot in a rect .
Please forgive me if iam to harsh,to dumb or boooooring.


Quote from: Marmor on 2012-Jan-15
Maybe it dosnt looks like flying because its a top down pic ?
Maybe some electronic Garbage in the background
I sugerest rebirth with a Phönix .

yep that perspective dosen´t quite help, I tried to defocus the background a little but no good.
I will try getting the shadow a little closer.

Quote from: Wampus on 2012-Jan-12
...Something like a starfield as a backdrop would be better imo.

I´m starting to think the starfield idea would do this good, will also try that too.
Thanks for the comments, I really appreciate criticism, it takes too much time looking at the same image, things go wild after a long while. Other´s oppinions are a must.

Phoenix would be great, but the bird would take ages to properly draw.
I was thinking of Lazarus too (aye, too much disk doctor on the amiga days... :P) but it would also present too much work.


Tchans! finished.

Could use better sound/music on the anim, could have a better text/typography on the banner version.
Anyway the files are open and there so everyone can download and give a try.

check here:




"It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC.  As potential programmers, they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration."
(E. W. Dijkstra)


thanks Bigsofty.

The carbon pandora part was made by retopology on Clean3d´s fan-made pandora 3d model, he deserves great credit.
The current typography stuff is done by Quartercast from those boards, and boy, hard to find people who can deal typos, I sure can´t! I´m impressed.

Did some animation too.
Sound or music for that is missing, any sound master would like to give a go?