Compiling on the Pandora still fails

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is there anyone who has a Pandora and can actually compile on it with the current GLBasic version? This person could possibly help!

I recently got the new firmware so I had to reinstall gcc. The script seemed to work, after 20 minutes I got the message "Download complete. All done!"

Now when I run the compile script I get the following error(s):

Code (glbasic) Select
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/4.3.3/../../../../arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lSDL
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

And no program.bin file is created.

I assume there is something incomplete so it would be really helpful if someone can tell me his folder contents of usr/lib/gcc/ or the size of it. My gcc folder there has a size of 1,1 MB with 39 items. Also there is the arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi folder in usr/ with a size of 1,5 MB by 9 items. Can someone confirm this data?

Thank you!
Notebook PC Samsung E372 Core i5 @ 2,6 GHz; 4 GB RAM; Win 7 Home Premium

Kitty Hello

it did not install the libSDL.a file.
Darn. This device is about to be a nightmare for me. Can anyone try to download the libSDL, please?

Here's what I try:
Code (glbasic) Select

gksudo "opkg install --force-downgrade libsdl-1.2-dev libsdl-mixer-1.2-dev"


I think it's not the Pandora itself that's a nightmare but rather the way to get the needed files for compiling. No, I don't want to criticize you here but to me it's hard to believe why there's no smarter way for GLBasic to output a .bin file for the device. Either this gcc stuff should be already included in future firmware images or the ideal way would be, surely, the final output file can be generated by GLBasic.
Notebook PC Samsung E372 Core i5 @ 2,6 GHz; 4 GB RAM; Win 7 Home Premium

Kitty Hello

Yes. But they don't still provide a windows hosted cross compiler.



I just found the secret place where the needed files are located!

There you can find a massive list of compressed Debian packages.

Code (glbasic) Select
gksudo "opkg install --force-downgrade libsdl-1.2-dev libsdl-mixer-1.2-dev"

For example, this command downloads  libsdl-1.2-dev_1.2.14-r7.6_armv7a.ipk  and  libsdl-mixer-1.2-dev_1.2.11-r7.6_armv7a.ipk  from this list.

Now you may offer an offline installation for the future. A secure way to get these files installed. I really would appreciate it.
Notebook PC Samsung E372 Core i5 @ 2,6 GHz; 4 GB RAM; Win 7 Home Premium

Kitty Hello

can you make a zip that has all dependancy files required? :D


That's not funny. I was hoping to help to handle the "Pandora nightmare" and you seem not to take me serious. Sure, that given list is huge but it's not that I don't want to help finding the right files. I've a lot of time and in fact I would like to collect all files required but I have to know where and how to start!

So, again, here is your script:

if zenity --question --text="This installs GLBasic compiler. Needs a Wifi connection. Start?"; then
   gksudo "opkg update"
   gksudo "opkg install libstdcdev cpp gcc g cpp-symlinks gsymlinks gcc-symlinks libgles-omap3-dev"
   gksudo "opkg install --force-downgrade libsdl-1.2-dev libsdl-mixer-1.2-dev"
) | tee >(zenity --text-info --width=640 --height=480) >/tmp/glbinstall.txt

if [ -f /usr/bin/gcc ]; then
zenity --info --text="Download complete. All done!"
zenity --info --text="GCC seems *NOT* installed. Please report bugs."
gedit /tmp/glbinstall.txt
I colored all the packages red. So I assume we need the following packages first:

  • libstdcdev
  • cpp
  • gcc
  • g++
  • cpp-symlinks
  • gsymlinks
  • gcc-symlinks
  • libgles-omap3-dev

and also

  • libsdl-1.2-dev
  • libsdl-mixer-1.2-dev

Is that right??

Here is a package browser:

Now I can input all the names from the packages listed above. I start with libstdcdev. There is no result, so I try libstdc and get libstdc++-dev. Then I pick the file with the latest version from the armv7a architecture. Is this the way I have to go? And if the package details tell me the dependences, I do the same with the stated packages, right?
Notebook PC Samsung E372 Core i5 @ 2,6 GHz; 4 GB RAM; Win 7 Home Premium

Kitty Hello

I have no idea. Really, Linux and packages is not my strength. I asked in a pandora IRC, but I got no reply. Maybe the forums is a better place to ask?
I did take you serious. I would really appreciate if you could provide an offline installation method. But I can't be of much help here. I will host it, though.


Ok! Then I'll see what I can do.
Notebook PC Samsung E372 Core i5 @ 2,6 GHz; 4 GB RAM; Win 7 Home Premium


I have to inform you that actually it's not possible to install the compiler properly. I was able to execute the script completely again but after that the OS was broken. I read somewhere there're some corrupt libraries at the moment and they caused the OS to stop working. You cannot execute anything after the installation and when you reboot the device the message "Failed to execute login command" so the Pandora is not longer usable until you reflash it which means that the installed compiler is lost.

So the nightmare continues and you have no force to chance this. It's sad but true. Maybe drop the Pandora support for GLBasic?
Notebook PC Samsung E372 Core i5 @ 2,6 GHz; 4 GB RAM; Win 7 Home Premium


It might be worth waiting to see if they resolve it...

Have you tried looking for libncurses ?


libncurses, yes. There were other people with the same problem someone told about libncurses and claimed it is fixable but I was not able to understand what exactly I have to do. At the moment I really don't want to break it again what means that I'll not try to install gcc again in the next time. Maybe I'll move to Python.
Notebook PC Samsung E372 Core i5 @ 2,6 GHz; 4 GB RAM; Win 7 Home Premium

Kitty Hello

if you install the SDK with the VBox emulator image, the script to compile should run, also.


Sorry but I have no idea what are you speaking about. VBox is a virtualizer for x86 hardware and I see no use for this issue.
Notebook PC Samsung E372 Core i5 @ 2,6 GHz; 4 GB RAM; Win 7 Home Premium

Kitty Hello